
I Have Been Seduced By Online Video

I Have Been Seduced By Online Video

Every year I attend a massive sci-fi and pop culture expo called Supanova. There are events all around Australia and for anyone who is even slightly geeky, such as myself (well maybe more than slightly), they are awesome. Whether you are into comics or anime...
Popup Domination Review

Popup Domination Review

Although I no longer need this plugin here on my blog since my current theme includes popups, Popup Domination is still one of the best out there. I strongly recommend you read this review and consider buying this plugin if you want to grow your email list....
1,000 True Fans – Still Relevant?

1,000 True Fans – Still Relevant?

I remember my first business plan. Well, to be honest, it wasn’t much of a business plan, because in 1995, I knew next to nothing about ‘business’. After reading an article about how critical it was to have one, I put pen to paper and...
4 Crucial Elements Every Sales Letter Needs

4 Crucial Elements Every Sales Letter Needs

This is a guest post, part four of a series from Leevi, who is a copywriting specialist. Grab yourself a coffee and strap in for a deep dive into the art of writing words that sell. — Yaro Copywriting 101: Writing Your Sales Letter This is part four of...
Copywriting 101: The Art Of Good Storytelling

Copywriting 101: The Art Of Good Storytelling

This is a guest post, part three of a series from Leevi, who is a copywriting specialist. Grab yourself a coffee and strap in for a deep dive into the art of writing words that sell. — Yaro This is part three of the Copywriting 101 series and it covers...
Copywriting 101: How To Nail A Killer Headline Part 2

Copywriting 101: How To Nail A Killer Headline Part 2

This is a guest post, part two of a series from Leevi, who is a copywriting specialist. Grab yourself a coffee and strap in for a deep dive into the art of writing words that sell. — Yaro Last article, I kicked off this series with part one of how to...

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  • The myth of ‘being everywhere’ and the smarter path to traffic
  • Why you don’t need as much traffic as you think (if you get the right type of traffic)