
You Don’t Need As Much Traffic As You Think

You Don’t Need As Much Traffic As You Think

In the previous lesson I debunked the myth that you need to be everywhere, on many different platforms, to succeed with a blogging business. If you have not read it, begin here: Part 1: The Myth Of “Being Everywhere” And The Smarter Path To...
A Day Spent With Noah Kagan Founder Of Appsumo

A Day Spent With Noah Kagan Founder Of Appsumo

A couple of weeks ago I booked myself into a startup event in Melbourne.  The main speaker I was keen to hear from was Noah Kagan, founder of Appsumo and early employee at Facebook and Mint. Noah has popped up on my radar a lot recently, frequently mentioned...
Is Email Going To Die?

Is Email Going To Die?

What is the one tool that every marketer recommends and uses no matter their specialty? It’s email. If you teach facebook, podcasting, youtube videos, blogging, twitter, pinterest, linkedin, or media buys, PPC, joint ventures  – whatever the...

FREE 3-Part Email Course

How Much Traffic Do You Really Need To
Make $100,000/Year From Your Blog?

  • Learn How To Make BIG Money From Small Audiences
  • The myth of ‘being everywhere’ and the smarter path to traffic
  • Why you don’t need as much traffic as you think (if you get the right type of traffic)