
Copywriting 101: How To Nail A Killer Headline

Copywriting 101: How To Nail A Killer Headline

This is a guest post, part one of a series from Leevi, who is a copywriting specialist. Grab yourself a coffee and strap in for a deep dive into the art of writing words that sell. — Yaro What’s So Important About Copywriting? Copywriting is an...
A Step-By-Step Guide To Rank #1 On LinkedIn Search

A Step-By-Step Guide To Rank #1 On LinkedIn Search

This is a guest post from Aziz Ali, first published in 2011. Since this article is old, you may have to modify his strategy to match the current LinkedIn setup. I leave it published for you as the core idea he presents is well worth learning. — Yaro My...
Why Thinking Like A Fish Can Help Your Business

Why Thinking Like A Fish Can Help Your Business

When we are operating a business, we are often told to try and think like the consumer. To ‘walk in their shoes’ or to ‘get inside their head’ and know what they are thinking and feeling. All this is done with the end goal of creating a better experience for...
How To Identify What Makes YOU Newsworthy

How To Identify What Makes YOU Newsworthy

Often, the greatest challenge business owners encounter is identifying what is newsworthy about themselves and their business. This phenomenon is commonly described as not being able to see the forest for the trees. However, keeping your finger on the pulse...
How To Make Money With CPM Advertising On Your Blog

How To Make Money With CPM Advertising On Your Blog

Some of the most common questions I receive revolve around how I get advertisers to my blog, how I make money with advertising on my blog, and anything related to money and advertising. While there are a variety of questions and answers surrounding this...
How To Get Coverage In Print Media

How To Get Coverage In Print Media

Contacting and communicating with the media is an art in itself. Whether or not your item will make the news often depends largely on the initial contact you make. In this article, we will look at the best way of approaching print media, including newspapers...
How Do I Get Traffic To My Blog?

How Do I Get Traffic To My Blog?

Miami Mitch once again chimes in with some blogging advice, today starting a series of blog posts on traffic. How to attract traffic to your blog is by far the most popular question all budding bloggers have, and in this case Mitch definitely has the...
5 Tips To Personalize Your Online Communication Using Automation

5 Tips To Personalize Your Online Communication Using Automation

One of the great things about blogging is that it has such a strong personal aspect. Most effective (and popular) bloggers are most likely that way because their subscribers are able to identify with their personalities.

The more you blog, and the better you get at it, the more people subscribe to your blog and newsletter (hopefully). People want to follow people who are interesting, and who they can learn a lot from about topics they are interested in.

How To Market With Blog Comments The Right Way

How To Market With Blog Comments The Right Way

What’s the most common and simplest marketing advice for attracting traffic to your blog? Leave comments on other blogs. Yep, it’s easy, it’s quick, and because of that, nearly everyone does it wrong. However because so many use blog...

FREE 3-Part Email Course

How Much Traffic Do You Really Need To
Make $100,000/Year From Your Blog?

  • Learn How To Make BIG Money From Small Audiences
  • The myth of ‘being everywhere’ and the smarter path to traffic
  • Why you don’t need as much traffic as you think (if you get the right type of traffic)