
How To Build Trust In A Skeptical Online World

How To Build Trust In A Skeptical Online World

At first, this email made me laugh, but then I realized a very important business lesson was presenting itself that we should be reminded of as often as possible. It’s so important, you’re probably losing potential customers right now because of...
Advanced Affiliate Marketing Strategies For Bloggers

Advanced Affiliate Marketing Strategies For Bloggers

Affiliate marketing is, and will likely always remain, my favorite method for making money online. At the risk of repeating myself, here’s why every blogger should get into the affiliate marketing game – You make a margin per product sale that is...
Why Don’t Bloggers Understand Email Marketing?

Why Don’t Bloggers Understand Email Marketing?

Over the weekend I worked hard on video presentations for the release of Blog Mastermind. Obviously the core topic of the videos is how to make money via blogging, however I’m introducing a new form of blogging for profit, something that can lead to...
How To Build Traffic Without Marketing

How To Build Traffic Without Marketing

There’s something I’ve come to realize about most of my fellow bloggers – you guys and girls are not great at marketing. Don’t take offense, marketing is not something that comes naturally and most people enter the blogging world as...
Do You Really Need A Unique Niche?

Do You Really Need A Unique Niche?

I was thinking the other day about the niche of Internet marketing. It’s one of the most crowded niches on the Internet, yet so many people generate an income selling products related to making money on the world wide web. The reason is obvious –...
The Long Tail

The Long Tail

It’s about time I give my take on The Long Tail. I find myself referring to it on a regular basis as I write articles about blogging and business in general and if you have been following the recent fuss about the evolution of Internet marketing (or...
Is Article Marketing Worth Your Time?

Is Article Marketing Worth Your Time?

Or… Review Regular readers of my blogs know I’ve been testing article marketing using the article distribution and repository service from Ezine Articles. Ezine Articles allows writers to publish articles that include a special...
10 Blog Traffic Tips For Beginner Bloggers

10 Blog Traffic Tips For Beginner Bloggers

In every bloggers life comes a special day – the day they first launch a new blog. Now unless you went out and purchased someone else’s blog chances are your blog launched with only one very loyal reader – you. Maybe a few days later you...
The 80/20 Of Search Engine Optimization – Part 2

The 80/20 Of Search Engine Optimization – Part 2

In The 80/20 Of Search Engine Marketing – Part 1 I covered the first four of the Top 8 Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Techniques as explained by Brad Fallon. The first four methods were applicable to On-Page SEO, techniques you can manually apply to...

FREE 3-Part Email Course

How Much Traffic Do You Really Need To
Make $100,000/Year From Your Blog?

  • Learn How To Make BIG Money From Small Audiences
  • The myth of ‘being everywhere’ and the smarter path to traffic
  • Why you don’t need as much traffic as you think (if you get the right type of traffic)