
My Top 8 Search Engine Optimization Tips – Part 1

My Top 8 Search Engine Optimization Tips – Part 1

I joined Perry Marshall’s Renaissance Club to get my copy of the Definitive Guide To Google AdWords at the discounted rate, however I’ve started to realize there is a lot more value in it than just the AdWords eBook, which I guess makes sense...
Social Proof – A Conversation With Marketing Experts

Social Proof – A Conversation With Marketing Experts

No doubt if you subscribe to a mailing list from one of the high profile online marketers such as Yanik Silver, John Reese, or as in my case, Jason Potash, you will know about a conference call that recently occurred. Heck you might have even heard about it...
What Is Pagerank?

What Is Pagerank?

What is Google’s PageRank? If you have ever done any reading about search engine optimization or were just curious how you can get your site to the top of the Google search engine results, understanding PageRank is vital. I’m going to introduce...
What is Pay-Per-Click Advertising?

What is Pay-Per-Click Advertising?

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is a method of bringing visitors to your website by using an advertisement that you only pay for when someone clicks through to visit your site. Made popular by’s AdWords system which allows advertisers to...
What is RSS and How Do I Use It?

What is RSS and How Do I Use It?

This one is for the newbies that have no idea what RSS, XML and syndication are…whoa, confusing already isn’t it! Definitions It wasn’t much longer then six months ago that I had no idea what these terms were. I understood what XML was...

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