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Why Do People Who Know So Much Fail So Often

Why Do People Who Know So Much Fail So Often

Have you ever started studying a course, or reading a blog post, or listening to an audio or webinar and your immediate reaction is... ...I know this already. Yes, me too. This is actually a critical mistake. The biggest reason people fail at achieving something they...

Your Qualifications Do Not Matter, But Your Results Do

Your Qualifications Do Not Matter, But Your Results Do

I was frustrated. I just couldn’t get through to him. To me, his path forward was obvious. To him, he was stuck because of one big fear. He just didn’t feel qualified enough to help other people. He was afraid of being ridiculed because he wasn’t a medical...

I Think I’m Turning Japanese

I Think I’m Turning Japanese

Don't miss the first (Australia) and second (Hong Kong) laptop lifestyle travel diary posts that came before this one! Hello Tokyo! Touching down in Tokyo Narita airport I was well prepared. This was my first trip to Tokyo, although not my first trip to Japan. I spent...

My First Visit To Hong Kong

My First Visit To Hong Kong

Make sure you read part one of my travel diary - Laptop Lifestyle Travels: Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney And Saying Good Bye To Australia. Laptop Lifestyle Travels: Hong Kong As the plane descended I looked out the window and saw nothing but clouds. I was hoping for a...