“How My Blog Business Works” Web Strategy Summit Video Presentation

“How My Blog Business Works” Web Strategy Summit Video Presentation

Last week I presented at the Web Strategy Summit in Brisbane. The organisers of the event, Adam and Toby, invited me to come in and do a short presentation of 18 minutes, then a 10 minute question and answer session.

The event featured panel discussions for about 45 minutes and several 18 minute “keynotes”, so they could get through plenty of speakers. There were about 100 attendees.

How Much Can You Achieve By Yourself?

How Much Can You Achieve By Yourself?

In recent months I’ve interviewed quite a few successful self-starter internet marketers. People like Farnoosh Brock, Brian Moran, Chris Guillebeau, and Adam Baker, all tell stories from the first few years of their online business where they were doing...
Steve Baxter: From Army Officer, To $373 Million Dollar Exit From Pipe Networks, Aussie Tech Entrepreneur Reveals All

Steve Baxter: From Army Officer, To $373 Million Dollar Exit From Pipe Networks, Aussie Tech Entrepreneur Reveals All

Stephen Baxter is becoming a bit of an icon in my hometown of Brisbane.

He’s put in his own time and money to foster the start up scene with his River City Labs co-working space. He is helping a select few start ups with advice and seed funding, plus he has the reputation of a tech entrepreneur who has exited from some big deals, the biggest being the $373 million sale of PIPE networks.

Over $300,000 From A Website About Model Trains – Ian McConnell Reveals His Online Business Success Story

Over $300,000 From A Website About Model Trains – Ian McConnell Reveals His Online Business Success Story

I really do love these niche site success stories, especially when they feature such passion driven subjects (and I admit it, I think model trains are cool).

Ian went from installing security fences in a less-than-safe Zimbabwe, to making his way to Australia for a better life for his family, and then managed to secure a full time living without needing a job thanks to an online business focused on model trains.