On July 19th, 2019, I turned 40. When I was a teenager, I saw 40 as REALLY old. It was the age you properly became an adult. No more using youth as an excuse for anything, plus you have to consider things like visiting the doctor for prostate exams... yikes! As I got...
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Reflections On My 40th Birthday: Blogging, Business, Travel And A Party I Will Never Forget
If You Can’t Write Words That Sell You Won’t Make Money
Years ago my friend and previous business partner Gideon Shalwick and I were creating marketing content for a course we created together. For that campaign we both wrote lots of emails that we sent to our subscribers, which resulted in thousands of dollars in sales....
The 5 Golden Rules Of Expectation Management And Why You Can’t Ignore Them
If you have a good memory, you may recall a few weeks just before Steve Jobs passed on, Apple stock dropped a good few percentage points. It wasn't because of Steve's death that brought the valuation down, because that was factored into the stock market years ago when...
Why I Decided To Retire Entrepreneurs-Journey.com And Rebrand As Yaro.blog
One of the most repeated questions during my coaching calls over the years is this: Should I use my name for my domain name? The alternative is to use a unique word or phrase as a brand, separate from your own personal brand. Given how important choosing a domain name...
How To Charge More Money And Still Get More Customers Than Your Competition
Press play on the video above to answer the question -- Why would someone choose to buy from your company instead of the competition? Welcome to the final chapter in my Services Arbitrage free training series (how to sell services other people deliver). If you have...
I Used To Live In A Caravan: Here’s How I Made Enough Money To Live Anywhere In The World
This is Part 2 of my new Services Arbitrage free introductory training series. If you have not read Part 1, go do that now - How To Start An Online Business Selling Services Other People Deliver (I Call It ‘Services Arbitrage’) (10-minute read). Press play on the...
The Very Unsexy Way I Made My First (And Second) Million Dollars Online
The small picture below is from my Stripe account, the platform I use to collect payments in my business. The number represents total sales. In 2018 my coaching business crossed that magic one million dollars milestone. Back in the 'old days' (2007-2011), before...
I Spent 3 Years Living In AirBNBs And Traveling The World (Including Photos!)
Before there was AirBNB, back in 2008, I traveled around the world. Hotels were the standard accommodation for travel back then, although if you didn't have a lot of money, backpacker hostels or couch surfing were popular cheap or free options. While I was financially...
How Donald Trump, Heart Palpitations And A Trip To The Hospital Delivered An Important Reminder Of The Power Of Your Mind
Note From Yaro: This article is from my Change Manifesto series. Entrepreneurs-Journey.com and ChangeManifesto.com are being merged into my one main website, Yaro.blog, the umbrella brand for all my work going forward. It was Tuesday night, election night in the USA....
If You Want To Live A 4-Hour Workweek You Can’t Do Your Own Email
As long term readers of this blog know, my initial goal as an entrepreneur was not specifically to get crazy-rich. It was to get free to choose how I spent my time and have enough money to have options. In essence, I wanted the 4-Hour Workweek lifestyle long before...