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Muhammad Noer, or Noer as he likes to be called, was born in Sumatra Indonesia.

As a side project while working his full-time job, he started a personal blog because he wanted to get back into writing. His topics were speed reading and slide presentations, two subjects he is passionate about.

Indonesia is huge, one of the most populated countries on the planet. However it’s not as well developed in terms of technology infrastructure, nor is the Indonesian language world wide web as crowded with content resources.

Noer, of course, was publishing everything in Indonesian, targeting his home country. He quickly grew his blog and then when he saw how much interest there was in speed reading and presentations, he started two websites dedicated to these topics – again in Indonesian.

Muhammad Noer

He started the speed reading one first, writing blog articles, then wrote a free ebook he gave away in exchange for joining his newsletter. He then created ten free videos about speed reading and used a mini-launch formula to promote his first training product on speed reading.

His product is seven video modules, however he only produced the first two, sold the product, then created the remaining five as his early paying members went through the program.

I was very impressed to hear this story because Noer followed the formula I teach in Membership Site Mastermind, but he did it in Indonesian, which I think is especially cool.

Today Noer has over 1,000 paying members to his two products and over 20,000 subscribers to his websites.

Muhammad Noer and his family

This Is A Must-Listen Interview For Non-English Bloggers

Noer is an inspiration for any person who is interested in following the blog to newsletter to selling a training product model, and doing it in your native language.

There is a huge opportunity in many countries around the world to be like Noer because the competition is not sophisticated. You can capture Google traffic because you will have an advantage knowing how to blog.

Listen to this interview and Noer will reveal everything he does to get traffic, create his products, what technology he uses for his newsletter, blog, and membership site, how he creates videos and a whole lot more.

What We Covered During The Interview

Here’s what we talked about –

  •  How Noer started out with just a personal blog on wordpress
  •  How he built his list by giving away a free ebook
  •  Why he copied the BAB model and decided to give away ten free videos
  •  What went into his first product and why he only created the first two modules before selling it
  •  How much money he charges for his products
  •  What kind of scarcity triggers he used during his product opening launch
  •  What technology he combines to deliver his content and products
  •  And who he has working for him and how he hired them

This is a great interview from a person blazing a trail in a country he can really dominate thanks to following a proven system.


Yaro Starak
EJ Podcast

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