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Daniel Scocco is well known for his DailyBlogTips blog. I recruited Daniel as a mentor when I launched my first run of my membership site Blog Mastermind, where he enjoyed an inside look into how I was running my program. I later gave Daniel access to a special preview version of Membership Site Mastermind.

Daniel liked my system so much that he immediately started thinking about launching his own membership site. He became the first person to take my course and get out there and action the advice by starting his own Membership Site, OnlineProfits.com.

Daniel did a very short launch and within a few days had 200+ members paying him $48 a month. A roughly $10,000 a month income stream was created in a week.

Daniel Scocco

What I like about this story is that Daniel did a lot “wrong” in the sense that he choose not to do many of the steps I recommend people do, and yet he still had a great result. He took the parts of my system that he liked and made them his own, did a launch, but it wasn’t a huge launch and he certainly could have done a lot more, but most importantly, he got out there and did SOMETHING.

Daniel had a great idea to help speed up the release of his site. Instead of being the sole content creator, he decided to recruit a team of experts to produce content for him. He went around and contacted some of the best in his industry and managed to convince quite a few of them (including me) to contribute.

There are some great insights to be gained from this interview, so I recommend you sit down and have a listen to what Daniel did to launch his very first membership site training program.

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Show Notes

  • Daniel explains how many members he attracted and how much money he made during his membership site launch
  • How Daniel selected the topic for his membership site
  • What Daniel did to demonstrate the preeminence of his membership site offer
  • Daniel talks about how he drove traffic to his membership site launch
  • How Daniel managed to get some top launch partners for his membership site
  • What technical systems Daniel set up to deliver his membership site
  • How Daniel conducted his five day launch and generated a $10,000/month income stream
  • Why Daniel recommends Membership Site Mastermind

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