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Matthew Kimberley stepped on stage and proceeded to deliver a speech revealing deeply personal stories about challenges his family had been through…

…then he taught us all how to sell an apple for top dollar!

It was a compelling presentation, and after talking to Matthew in the hallways I realized I had to ask him on to my podcast for a conversation.

How To Sell An Apple For $1,000

Matthew’s core skill is how to sell.

He’s a master of persuasion having spent years in different industries, learning how to sell all kinds of products and services.

While this podcast interview is not just about selling, I wanted to make sure Matthew shared with us the most important strategies for making sales.

If you’re currently struggling to sell your products or services, chances are you are missing many of the important concepts that Matthew covers in this podcast, so listen in carefully!

Matthew Kimberley keynote speaking

The Most Important Skill For Independence

Most people who are good at sales have led interesting lives, which lead to interesting stories, and that is definitely the case with Matthew.

At various points in his life, he has made a living juggling, working in a bar, selling timeshare property on Malta, as a co-founder of a recruitment company, and more recently teaching people how to sell with his own company and prior to that as part of Michael Port’s business.

Matthew points out early in this interview that learning how to sell is the most important skill you can develop if you want to lead an independent life.

If you know how to produce money simply through the power of your words, you can break free from traditional income sources like employment.

If that sounds good to you, listen in to this podcast. I promise you will walk away with some important lessons and get a few good laughs too — I know I did!

Enjoy the show,
EJ Podcast

Topics Matthew Covers In This Interview

  • Why it’s so important to have a system for selling in your business
  • How NOT to approach a prospect – The common mistake most people make in selling
  • The Doctor’s Mindset to selling
  • How to answer prospects when they ask “Why should we work with you?”
  • The exact steps Matthew walks his prospects through in his sales process
  • Using polarization as a marketing technique
  • The Red Velvet Rope Policy he applies to both his business and personal life

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