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Is Your Blog Topic Profitable?

Is Your Blog Topic Profitable?

I’ve received a number of emails from people who are interested in joining my next intake for Blog Mastermind 2.0, but are worried that their topic won’t make money. All the emails ask some kind of variation of this... Yaro, I’d like to take your course. Do you think...

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Whom Do You Lean On When Nothing Is Working?

Whom Do You Lean On When Nothing Is Working?

I'm at a party. The pretext is simple, people drinking and chatting, attempting to form meaningful connections, to bond over shared interests. As expected, everyone asks what I do. When I answer that I "work online" the response is an expression like I just said...

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How Do You Make A Sale?

How Do You Make A Sale?

How do you make a sale online? You need a product or service. You need people who are motivated enough to buy it. And you need the technology to facilitate the transaction and delivery. Easy right? Some People Sell "Harder" In Order To Make A Sale Than Others You can...

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