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Bret Thomson is a good buddy of mine and an exceptionally skilled copywriter. He’s one of those guys who earns at least $10,000 per copy contract and in this interview you will learn why.

Bret began his working life selling nuts and bolts, using the income to fuel his social life. Eventually, he became bored of the nuts and bolts business and after discovering a Tony Robbins book became a devoted practitioner of personal development. This lead to attending many events and seminars. One event in particular, by Mal Emery, a well-known Australian direct response marketer, introduced him to the world of copywriting, and he hasn’t looked back since.

In this interview, you will hear how Bret landed his first copy client, an $1,800 job, and then went on to get a full time, six figure contract.

Bret also has some great lessons on what goes into good copywriting, including five tips that he states are the main reason he is a good copywriter, which most people don’t do.

There’s also some advice in this interview towards the end for those of you who only have a budget in the few hundred dollar range, not the $10K+ range, if you need to get things like a sales video, sales page, landing page or opt-in page created for your product or service.

Talk to you soon,

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