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It’s been a few months since the last show but I have been itching to do a podcast and Mike Filsaime’s report, The Death of Internet Marketing, stirred a lot of thoughts in my mind, which I decided to brain-dump into a solo podcast episode for all to enjoy.

A warning – this is a serious ramble and I cover a lot of topics (see the show notes below for details) but it’s very current and I suspect if you are at all interested in Internet marketing or online business, as an industry and as a participant, you will enjoy this podcast.

Let me know what you think in the comments!

Show Notes

  • I review many of the things discussed in the Death of Internet Marketing report by Mike Filsaime
  • I mention Butterfly Marketing several times
  • Rich Schefren and his reports, The Internet Business Manifesto, The Missing Chapter and Final Chapter all get a mention.
  • My upcoming site, Blog Traffic School, is in there too.
  • I talk about my fellow bloggers, Steve Pavlina and Brian Clark.
  • It’s also worth mentioning Product Launch Formula since much of the discussion centers around the state of Internet marketing and the product launch phenomenon.


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