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I had the pleasure of living with Navid Moazzez for a week in San Diego in a house Natalie Sisson rented. It was a lot of fun living with so many online marketers and lifestyle entrepreneurs.

Before this I came to know Navid through interviews he did with me. Navid, despite having English as a second language, conducted some of the most thorough interviews I have done. I was also surprised by how connected Navid was – he seemed to know everyone in my industry, and since he was relatively new to online business I was impressed by his networking speed.

More recently Navid has become known as a Virtual Summits expert. However as you will hear in this interview, Navid wasn’t exactly clear on his niche from the start. He went through a process to find his specialty, one that I think a lot of people could learn from, especially if you are not clear on your topic now.

How Navid Found His Specialty

Navid experienced a journey of transformation to get where he is today.

He grew up in Sweden, entered law school, and worked as a bank teller. While traveling overseas he met some guys who were living this amazing lifestyle earning money from the internet. This appealed to Navid, so he immediately began looking to the internet as a possible source of income.

Of course like everyone new, he started with nothing. No speciality, no experience, and no clear direction.

I think Navid made a fantastic choice when he decided to start a blog and podcast with one purpose – to learn from other people who were making money online. He was able to slowly build an audience and get educated from his podcast guests, while he figured out what market to focus on himself.

Navid started to gain some traction as a result of investing a little extra time and money into the design of his blog and podcast. This in turn led him to land some clients who paid him to help them set up their own online presence because they liked Navid’s design so much.

These first few clients delivered some cash flow, and also led Navid to narrow his focus down to personal branding, which is a big part of your online presence.

Navid Moazzez on the EJ Podcast

Navid’s First Successful Summit

As you will hear Navid carefully explain during this interview, his big breakthrough came from conducting an online summit focused on personal branding.

He worked his butt off for several months, conducting 88 interviews for the summit, and then released it for free, along with a paid upgrade version that started at $97.

By the time the summit was over he had made over $20,000+ and decided it was time to quit his job.

From there Navid has continued to focus on virtual summits, running several more in partnerships and also helping to coach others to profit and grow their audience from a virtual summit through his Virtual Summit Mastery program.

Listen In To Learn More…

This is a great interview for you if you are yet choose a topic for your online business, to see how you can slowly progress and refine and build on your success until you find that sweet spot.

Navid focused on taking action and helping people in his industry, which opened many doors until he eventually found the focus he was looking for.

This is also a great interview if you want to learn about virtual summits.

If you’re a podcaster who already does interviews, or you’re looking for a cutting-edge online marketing strategy to build your traffic and connect with leaders in your industry, hosting your own summit is a brilliant strategy. Navid explains the basics during the second half of his interview.

You can also take the next step and study Navid’s Virtual Summit Mastery video series.

Learn and enjoy!

Yaro Starak
EJ Podcast

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