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Farnoosh Brock fled with her family from Iran to Turkey when she was eleven years old. They were supposed to leave only for a three-week holiday, but they never came back, choosing to depart from their war-torn homeland for a better life.

After three years in Turkey, Farnoosh finds herself in America, where she struggles to fit into the culture but manages to get by and eventually enters college. From there she excels and finds herself in a successful corporate career, earning more than six figures a year.

Despite enjoying a fantastic career, Farnoosh feels unfulfilled. Her job isn’t stimulating or challenging, and even though it only requires four hours a day and she can work from home, she quits to start her own business.

Farnoosh transitions into a full-time blogger and information marketer. She manages to build a following and successfully launches a product on travel, which unfortunately doesn’t do great, but she knows what went wrong.

Learning from her mistakes, Farnoosh launches another product, this time helping people with exercises, and she has a profitable product. She builds on her success, moving into the Green Juicing market and has another successful product on her hands. Next, she begins coaching to help corporate people with their career and offers advice on how to leave the corporate world if they would like to follow in her footsteps.

What’s so amazing about this story is Farnoosh has done all of this in less than two years from the point she quit her job. This woman has some serious hustle.

Of course, I had to know HOW she manages to produce so much and so quickly. From building up a successful blog audience, to launching information products and all the steps needed to do that (sales page, product creation, email list, etc), having a best seller on Kindle, speaking at events – Farnoosh somehow manages to do it all in such a short period of time and almost entirely by herself!

If you want to hear Farnoosh answer my question about how she does it and learn her story from start to the present, listen to this interview.

Farnoosh Brock and husband

Enjoy the episode,

Relevant Links Mentioned in this Interview

Where to Find Farnoosh Online

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