There was an interesting discussion in the Blog Mastermind forums that began with a question about when you should start outsourcing.
The impression this particular student had was that outsourcing is the key for success, and it is something that I emphasize over and over again inside Blog Mastermind. The problem in this case was the lack of cash flow to pay for outsourcing and whether it is worth going into debt to pay for help if it is indeed that important.
I was quick to explain that outsourcing is important and it’s worth paying a few hundred dollars to get your blog set up with a nice theme, a domain name and get a few key plug-ins installed for you if you can’t do it yourself, but beyond that you don’t really want to start using credit to pay for outsourcing.
What Do You Do When You Have No Money?
I explained that during my early days, when I didn’t have much money to throw around without being absolutely sure there would be a return to make it worthwhile, I did most things by myself.
I actually got a little carried away with how tight I was with money, meaning my growth curve was ridiculously slow and I was very frustrated many times as I struggled to get off the ground. I can’t remember how many times I walked around Brisbane wondering if I should just throw it all in and do something else.
If you look at some of the first year posts at this blog you might even notice in the tone of my writing and the topics I covered that I wasn’t always sure of my direction.
I did eventually establish enough cash flow that I finally felt comfortable enough to bring on help, but it was long overdue by then. I would never have considered going into debt in order to pay for help, however that shouldn’t be looked at as the answer for all situations, that was only a representation of where I was at with my mindset at the time.
When Do You Seek Investors?
People seek investors all the time, both for financial support and strategic guidance. Often the money is spent hiring help in order to expand the business. This is an option for any person starting an Internet business too, but it’s rare for a person with a blog or focusing on affiliate marketing or other low-entry cost online businesses to consider investors as part of their plan.
Most bloggers or individuals looking to make a living from the Internet want simple solutions. They don’t have plans for creating a multi-million dollar enterprise, with staff and offices. They want a nice small business they can run independently, travel with, earn enough to live comfortably and choose when they work. Taking on investors in this case serves to complicate the process, and is rarely considered by any but the very ambitious.
If you are not going to sell a share of your business to investors to free up some funds to outsource, how can you establish the cash flow necessary to grow your business? Well, that’s a good question, but it’s the wrong question at this time. This is what you need to ask yourself next…
What Do You Need To Outsource First?
The first question you need to ask yourself is what exactly are you going to outsource as your immediate priority?
It’s amazing how many people realize that outsourcing is important yet haven’t taken a look at what they actually need to get done to eliminate their most pressing constraint, and what parts of the process necessary to get that job done can be outsourced.
Internet businesses contain all kinds of parts, most of which can be handled by other people, however handing them over to others all at once won’t achieve your goal, you will just make yourself broke from all the fees you have to pay your outsourcers.
Projects develop in a sequence, like a house constructed from the ground up on a budget, you build the foundation long before you head out and buy furniture to keep costs at any one point in time as low as possible.
What Are Your Goals?
When considering what to outsource first you need to look at your goals from two levels –
- What does this project need to do for my business NOW? (In other words, are you focusing on the right objectives for what your business needs today?)
- What components are required to take the next step towards completing this particular project?
As an example, right now I’m planning a product I’m going to release soon. It’s my coaching program called Membership Site Mastermind, a program to teach people how to launch a membership site using your blog as a launchpad.
The project is a fairly significant product release for me and something I’ve already poured many hours of my time into. The purpose, in terms of what this project will do for my business, is to expand my sales funnel, secure another source of cash flow, increase my customer base and further establish my presence in the Internet marketing industry. This is a list of some of the objectives of this project for my business – I’m not trying to sell it to you, so I’m not talking about the benefits of the product for potential customers, which would be a completely different list of characteristics.
This project makes sense for me to focus on it because I’ve built a foundation where I’m in a position to release it. I have the cash flow, the time and the expertise to create this product and make it a success. In your case you need to choose your projects based on business goals that make sense to you and your present situation.
For people just starting a business, the very first projects are focused almost entirely on establishing cash flow. Cash flow is the blood of your business, granting freedoms critical for success.
You can quit your job with cash flow. You can make outsourcing decisions that require you take on more risk with cash flow, which when successful, usually result in the greatest increases to your business bottom line (with greater risk comes greater reward). You can also enjoy many personal life freedoms thanks to cash flow (how about not worrying about where the money will come from next time you plan a trip overseas?).
I should also note that your ambition factors in here as those with lofty goals tend to shoot for loftier outcomes, but I’ll leave it up to you to decide how big you want to become and what you want to work towards in your immediate future.
Break Down The Components To Find Constraints
Once you know the project you are working on, you can look at the components that go into that project and decide what needs to be done immediately in order take the next step towards completing the project.
For those new entrepreneurs reading this, your first goal could be to create a blog that generates $3,000 a month and part of that process (certainly an early part!) is to install WordPress with a partially customized theme, which is what you can outsource first. That’s a fairly straight forward outsourcing process.
Unfortunately most situations are not that black and white. Often you need to take a look at what you are currently doing and how that is stopping you from doing what you should be doing, and then take steps so you can stop working on the activities that are not moving you forward (stop treading water and start swimming forward activities).
I find it effective to review what I do during a working day, given normal conditions (I’m not catching a train or plane or attending an event) and consider how much of my output was relevant to finishing a project. During my pre-outsourcing days, I would spend whole days just dealing with emails and tweaking elements of my website design, which would not take me a single step forward. I had to remove these two tasks from sucking my time in order to be able to focus on completing tasks for new projects.
For those of you still working full time, you can’t do much about the time you spend at your day job, so unless you are prepared to quit or reduce the amount of time your job takes from your life (perhaps take a pay cut and work three days a week?), it’s what you do during other hours where you can look at how you use your time and where outsourcing may help (it’s not likely your boss will let you outsource your job tasks unfortunately!).
Don’t forget outsourcing can help with your personal life too to create time to work on projects that move your business forward. You can hire people to help mind your kids, or clean your house or plan holidays or parties for you. If these are changes you can make right now to help move your business forward, they should be listed as things to outsource in your immediate future.
Take Action
With the clarity that hopefully comes from reviewing your present typical working day and your entire life if necessary, you will begin to see tasks that need to be outsourced immediately. This might be outsourcing simple technical tasks like installing blog plug-ins, to critical activities like locating a person to write the copy for your sales page or set up the system to manage your membership site, or any manner of things in your personal life.
From there you need to take action, begin the outsourcing process and use the freedom it generates to devote more time to those moving forward activities so you can create more cash flow to hire more people to help you expand to the point you have met your goal.
You Need Cash Flow
Now is the time to start asking that question that came up earlier in this article about how to establish cash flow so you can pay for outsourcing.
It’s important though that you don’t just think about making money when you consider outsourcing, you must see how the outsourcing fits into the project you are working on now and how that project impacts your overall business progression. This is why I asked you why you want to outsource before even talking about earning the money to pay for it.
Outsourcing and cash flow are closely related. One generally helps to create the other and vice versa (you can pay money to hire contractors and you can use contractors to help you make more money), but until you have that very first income stream the decision to outsources can be a scary one.
As I stated at the start of this article, you don’t want to go into debt to pay for outsourcing unless you know for sure the return is there once your outsourcers finish the job. For most of you outsourcing is something you enter very cautiously because the money you spend today is not going to replaced tomorrow by cash flow generated by your already established income streams.
Coming Up – How To Pay For Your First Contractor
In my next article, part two of this series on outsourcing, I’ll explain how I balanced my cash needs, including paying for every day life things like rent, food and leisure, as well as investing in the growth of my business, albeit very cautiously, with money that I wasn’t sure would come back to me after spending it.
I hope after reading this article you realize that there is a strategy behind each outsourcing decision and it’s a smart idea to clearly understand why you are outsourcing before you do so. This is especially true for those of you without any income streams beyond your job right now, who face a situation where each decision to spend money on your business takes away money you might be spending on your family and personal life.
Outsourcing my outsourcing
My immediate need was the technical end of my blog, but as you said before…I wasn’t bringing in enough blogging cash flow to take on a full on tech guy.
I started out doing everything myself…and while that was the cheapest…it also took the longest. I am ok at coding and graphics, but it was not my strong suit.
Over time, I ended up making friends in the internet world along the way. That was my greatest asset as time went on. I now had a base of friends to basically ask for favors from time to time. In return…I did favors for them when they needed it.
The internet world can be a give and take relationship if you treat it that way.
BMM Member,
Robb Sutton
Mountain Biking by 198
I agree that outsourcing is a necessary for any business to expand, and if you start small you just need to outsource the technical setup, you can do the rest yourself, such as:
Writing content, promoting the blog and some customer support…
When the business start to get hot, all the task should be outsource one by one until the core of the business – Marketing and make money!
Fantastic post Yaro and I see it the same way that you do.
No matter what, the reality is that we can only do so much and have only so many hours in the day and NEED help from time to time.
As you mentioned, the various phases of your business will require different levels of work output and eventually comes a point of diminishing returns.
That is the crucial time where outsourcing is more of a necessity than anything else, but the good thing is that by that point you will already have the funds to get the help in the first place.
Love this article, Yaro! This is a part of the outsourcing equation that isn’t often talked about in outsourcing books and articles.
I can’t wait to read part 2!
good topic. i think outsourcing is very important, because we don’t have always a lot of time or skills to do everything related to our blog.
This topic is so timely. Personally on your advice, I began outsourcing from day one and I definitely don’t regret it.
My technology – redesigns, implementing of advertising software have always been handled by tech people and whereas its been far from perfect its definitely made my life easier and implementation of ideas.
I have also gotten VAs to do tasks like research, rewrites of my articles so they can be featured on news sites and they have been awesome time savers.
In short, my advice is, you can actually set up your blog on Rentacoder for between $10 – $50 if you know what you are doing and can get most tasks down for way below $100 and I began outsourcing before I had any consistent cash flow and I don’t regret it.
I actually managed to create a small bit of cash flow on the side because I learned so much from outsourcing project after project after project for the entire year of 2008.
Where I am with my thinking at the moment is that if you are earning enough so that you can pay $125 a week, you should head on over to the Phillipines and get yourself a full time webmaster/ web developer with Internet marketing experience as your first contractor because after the initial training period you will be able to quickly implement any of those ideas you read about on blogs and ebooks because you have someone who can implement technology.
Next thing should be a full time VA for $75 a week and you should be able to grow exponentially from that.
All this is still hypothesis though as I just recently brought on my full time webmaster and I am working through the process as we speak. But I will say as someone who has been using rentacoder and getafreelancer regularly its quite a step up to be able to email someone as soon as I have an idea with the knowledge they’ll implement it as opposed to having to post a project all the time.
I agree that if you outsource here in the Philippines, you will be spending a fraction of your normal cost before you outsource and receive the same results not maybe immediately but in just few days or weeks.
I just posted a blog on outsourcing today! And then to come here. Hopefully if I am starting to think like you, I can earn like you also!
You are right, outsourcing can be tough if 100% credit driven. There definitely does come a time when you must replicate your efforts. Then, a reliable outsourcing group can be a major help.
thanks for the read!
Outsourcing is both the easiest and most complicated decision to make, thanks for outlining this in an easy to follow manner.
Jon – Create Unique Memories
It’s not a comment – just a reminder. Yaro, don’t forget tomorrow to mention about 4th anniversary of the blog. May be you’re not going to do that, but anyway, have my congrats! It’s inspiring to see you running this blog so long!
Thanks Sergey – that wasn’t something I was thinking about, but that’s interesting. Now I can say I have been blogging for four years instead of three when I do interviews.
I don’t think I’ll do anything special to celebrate this year. Perhaps next year for the five year anniversary, so make sure you are still reading my blog then to remind me 🙂
I have this tiny little issue with having a need to do everything myself and knowing how to do it all. I have to snap out of that. I’ve wanted to outsource for years but I just couldn’t bear to let someone else do it in case they didn’t do it as good as I could. I finally smacked myself around a few times so I think I’m ready for the next step. I’m really looking forward to your next post.
If one is serious about blogging, one must be willing to spend a few bucks to get it just right. Getting the technicalities outsourced makes eminent sense.
Totally true Yaro! It was the day that I realized I couldn’t do everything in IM myself and If I really wanted to make big dollars I had to outsource that I actually started making big dollars (or a lot more than the spare change I was making previously).
Outsourcing is of upmost importance to anyone that wants their blog to be anything more than a fun hobby.
Cheers, Tim
Yaro, very timely post. I have already outsourced techno needs, and more work on my site will be done early next month. Although I enjoy writing, I look forward to the day that task is also relinquished. Your information is always timely and always accurate. Thank you for sharing indepth info with us. So many others horde what they have learned. It is refreshing that you are willing to give so much of your self. Also, congrats on the anniversary of your site.
Hi Yaro,
I appreciate all the useful content. Somewhere I stumbled on a post that said that people who bought product launch through you could get Blog Mastermind for free. Is that still true? Thanks for your help!
(Sorry I couldn’t find a place to put this question.)
Hi Harmony,
Yes this is an offer I made to my newsletter subscribers for people who ordered PLF 2.1+ via my link.
However I think PLF is about to close to new members so you might be a bit late.
Here’s my link anyway and if you do order through it, send me an email ( to claim the bonus.
Funny how I read this post today after finishing Tim Ferriss’ excellent 4-Hour Work Week book last night- which discusses the importance of outsourcing.
I would love to start outsourcing but I just don’t have the necessary cash flow at this time. But it is something I want to start doing so I can focus more time on tasks which will help produce income and/or grow my business and blogs.
I wouldn’t mind seeing a post in the near future regarding what tasks / jobs you outsource along with what company or companies you recommend using, Yaro. 😀
The Geek Entrepreneur
I think the hardest part about outsourcing is finding the funds to get it going. I certainly agree that we should all be thinking about and making plans to be able to pay for some outsourcing.
The problem is in the early days… so darn hard.
Thats an excellent post. I have started my blog few days back having got inspired from yours and others blogs. When I first thought about blogging, I literally do not know anything about this field even though I am in the technology sector, so I looked out for the options of doing it and I stumbled upon a website which offered outsourcing for blog content. But then I thought about the cash flow and realised that I should start slow and learn things rather than depending upon someone to create my blog. This not only helps me learn the things but also gives lot of exposure to this world.
I think one should decide how relevant is to outsource a task with respect to money, time and resources. If you can spend some time daily, then it should not be a problem to learn things, as there are tons of information available on the internet. Of course, I completely understand that Time is Money and wasting the time for simple tasks can cost you a lot. But there is always a trade off. Also I think Outsourcing your blog is not any easy task as you have to spent some time evaluating the deliverables provided by the outsoucing company.
What do you think one should look for in an outsourcing company, if one decides to do it?
Great post Yaro, I am glad I stumbled across your blog! It has some great information and sound advice. I myself have been considering outsourcing my blog to another Virtual Assistant so that they can help me with customising my header etc!
Praveen, you asked the question ‘What do you think one should look for in an outsourcing company, if one decides to do it?’ I know you asked Yaro this question, but I felt that I could help with this one also.
If one decides to outsource some of their work then it becomes of high importance to find the right Virtual Assistant (VA) to support you and your business with a view to form a long-term relationship with this VA. This will save time and money in the long run as the need to teach and train will gradually dissipate and you can simply hand over the work knowing that the end result will be of a high standard.
Try a search on ‘VA Networks’ to find whole networks of Virtual Assistants. Usually there is an area for you to post an RFP (Request for Proposal). An example of a network/forum in which I am actively involved is You will be pleasantly surprised by the quality of the responses you will receive back.
If the VA you select isn’t able to help with a particular service then usually they will be able to provide a referral to a Virtual Assistant who can cover this area. If you would prefer to stick to the one VA simply chat with your VA – they might be more than happy to undertake training in this area.
I’m sure others will offer some really good direction and advice regarding this question also.
Excellent post. I like the outsourcing strategy you suggest.
Like you said, a main concern for entrepreneurs is to secure the initial cash flow to get the funding available to afford the outsourcing for your first steps. If you presently have a job, this may be easier, however if your business is your full-time job, than a new business might not be seeing a great deal of cash flow.
It sounds like you are going to address this issue in your next post, however I would like to mention that probably the most effective way to this is to concentrate 100% on sales (this is probably slightly different for blogs). Test as many marketing techniques to form your marketing mix as possible. Doing some market research will probably help you to arrive at an efficient marketing mix sooner.
Concentrating on sales might be pretty obvious, however it is easy for anyone to get distracted in other business tasks that don’t contribute to sales right away (ie: web design tweaks). Unless these auxiliary tasks contribute in some way to sales, in the interest of saving time and money, avoid these tasks whenever possible.
I have heard about outsourcing very frequently from people who run successful business and I am very interested in getting a full time web master too but the question is what is the rate out there? Anyhow can help with this?
Personal Development Blogger
I have had some success with outsourcing, but I’ve also wasted time. I had a few situations, where I spent so much time explaining what I wanted, that in the end I could have done it myself. However, there is absolutely no doubt that outsourcing can be a time and money saver in the long run. I know people who have virtual assistants and claimcouldn’t live without.
Ann Jade
Thanks for the insight on what you did step by step. It’s nice to know that someone is actually sharing what they did and what they went threw instead of making you pay through the nose to learn anything. I love your model and believe it is the best way to go in this present environment.
Thanks again!
This is a great article. I’m always laughed at because I sometimes outsource, but the fact of the matter is that I receive a LOT more money coming from OTHER countries into my business (and in turn, the US) than I send out.
Thanks for this!
I must say, this article could be the answer I was looking for.
I totally agree that whatever decision I’m ABOUT to take in my online business is cashflow and outsourcing.
I tarry on outsourcing too much due to the cashflow, and this article brings different perspective on balancing cashflow vs. outsourcing.
I can’t wait for the 2nd part!
Cheers 🙂
Great post as usual Yaro. You answered so many questions I think so many online businesses and offline business have. I can say this…by doing the work myself at first it has allowed me to outsource with a greater understanding of what is going on. Although some task/processes I just have no umph to do or learn to do. lol
I started outsourcing before I thought I needed to, and then committed to a monthly retainer when it was uncomfortable for me. I feel the best way to motivate myself in business is to be very uncomfortable, then there’s nothing to do but make sure it works!
Once you get into a good outsourcing groove it makes life so much easier and I’ve managed to pursue avenues of income that would not have been there if I was still doing all the regular day to day tasks that needed to get done.
Oh.. I also wanted to add I’m looking forward to your next post on this. I also have a great bookeeper, my challenge these days is NOT spending my money on things that I really don’t need. I have a love affair with graphics. lol.
This is a little off topic but does the guy in the picture look like a skinny George Lucas to anyone?
For those who have time but not money, outsourcing can be done through bartering.
If you’re a pro at writing but you don’t know the techy side, you can find someone out there who needs some content written for their site and who would be willing to trade a blog installation and design for that.
When I was getting started, I did everything from having my condo painted in exchange for a couple years of web hosting (I already had a reseller account for my sites so this cost me nothing extra) to offering a link at the bottom of the site in exchange for a blog design.
You might be surprised at what resources you have that can be traded for someone else’s time or resources. Even if you still have to do some work yourself, if it’s work in your field, you can probably do it a lot faster than you could if you were trying to teach yourself something entirely new!
Good luck, everyone, and outsource away! 🙂
Exactly the comment I was going to leave, Lindsay.
Outsourcing isn’t necessarily about freeing up time. It can also be about unloading the tasks you hate doing yourself so you can do the ones you enjoy.
For some people, that might mean outsourcing copywriting or other tasks that technically “make more money” so they can focus on the technical side of things – building sites, installing and tweaking WordPress, or whatever. These things are typically considered low-value tasks in the scheme of making money, but part of the reason most of us are in this business is to do what we enjoy.
Bartering skills is a good way to outsource stuff you don’t like doing in exchange for helping someone else do something they don’t like, but you do.
Hi all 🙂
Im with a lot of you on this one.
You see I am fairly new to all this, well I say new but I have been trying for over a year but getting no-where.
It is only now I have managed to get a place in Alex Jeffrey’s coaching program that I see myself moving forwards positively.
I am putting sooo much work in right now to get things moving so I can ultimately see that out-sourcing is going to be a MUST as my business progresses.
Right now though as a lot of you have said the initial income level needs to be reached before you can afford to out-source.
For me though I have learnt a lot of what to do and how to do it via free resources online, however somethimes I have struggled with finding free help on certain tasks.
This is why my blog has every step I have taken so that anyone else in my position can follow along if they wish.
I think if you dont have the funds to out-source like me then get stuck in and work damn hard to get things moving yourself. At the end of the day I see out-sourcing as a luxuary.
for me I will be satisfied for now until I can pay others to assist me and when that happens I know I am successful !
I have paid out for one thing though, my soon to start mentoring. I think everyone needs a mentor to get started in the right direction. I have wrote about this on my blog.
Till net time- thanks for the great post Yaro
A newbie will naturally answer “When I have enough money!” I use to think that way, but I have learned that it is a very faulty way to reason.
Like Yaro advice, everything about online business must be planned for. So, I have written down all the task that I consider “unpleasant” and I have started outsourcing them so that I can concentrate on those tasks that I enjoy and I am good at.
Nice post as usual. 🙂
I’m outsourcing, and what I find frustrating is that it’s more difficult to show to people what you need them to do online.
I prefer to outsource people and actually see them. I did this once, and it was better since I could show to my assistant what I needed him to do for me.
I hired my first assistant about 2 years after being a solo-preneur. Today I have 8 people on my team who allow me to focus on what I do best.
I never experienced the “catch 22” – I already had the cash flow when I hired my assistant – and I simply needed some help with a specific task (article submission). I also heard from a friend that when she hired her virtual assistant, her income doubled a year later. I wanted to find out what it’s all about, of course!
I now use a very specific exercise for people who hesitate in delegating. I call it “Discovering Your Personal Brilliance Zone” (see the link in my name) – find out what you do best, delegate the rest.
This is a practical testimony that will encourage many. I’ll go check out the link 😉
As an online entrepreneur it’s impossible to be talented in all areas. When I first started online I thought I had to learn web design then programming to install my scripts, then graphics to create my logos. I learned the hard way that often it’s better to let others do what you cannot and save your time for other valuable tasks. It’s impossible to do it all yourself and it’s nice to know there’s help out there if you need it.
Great post and love your blog!
Great post. You say $3000 a month isn’t that much. It’s almost 100$ daily and you have to have very strong website. I don’t earn more than 100$ from my two blogs. Most of blogs that show their income don’t do more than 1000$ a month.
That’s why it’s my first post read here and definitely not the last one!
Have gone thru some of its pages – A worth reading experience no doubt about it.
Hi Yaro
I’ve read some great stuff, thanks to you and your followers.
I’ve only just started the blogging journey in the past few weeks but must ask the question: how vital is it for me to move from Blogger to Word Press to follow your programme?
Many thanks
I’m right ta the stage where I do it all myself but am starting to look to outsource so a very interesting post to read. Thanks!
There’s a wonderful little theory called the Theory of Constraints (TOC) and it’s powerful.
It echoes your points.
Thx yaro you are right outtsourcing is very much important to become succesfull we should spend some dollars to specialist for outsourcing and but i think he must sohuld have been clear with this trend of blogging before to spend some dollars after studying it every body has to spend some dollars for it.
What is your recommendation to outsourceing in a retail sense, such as buying a finished product from overseas and selling it at a higher price?
The reason why they outsource is that they don’t have the machines or time to do it them selves.
Many people realize outsourcing is a positive thing for their business, but the problem occurs when they don’t realize the difference between outsourcing and out “tasking”. Outsourcing for the sake of saying they outsource is a costly mistake that many have made.
Another option for those who don’t have the cash flow to outsource is to barter with others for services/products until they can build up the money they are looking for.
That being said, I agree 100% that you must be clear and focused in what it is you need done in your business to avoid wasting both precious time and money.
Outsourcing needs to be a vital part of business. However, most of the time, we spend too much time just thinking of it then going ahead and doing it.
I guess, in a way, we also need the right cashflow to get us started. In this context, outsourcing can be the key to saving us time to free up the money that is required.
I just finished watching your video on your “ah-ha” moment and I see myself so clearly in your outline of your own mistakes that it makes me shake my head in wonder. Do all of us who are trying to begin a business online go through these exact same struggles? And if so, isn’t there a way we can reduce the learning curve sooner rather than later?
I’ve finally taken an important step for me, and finally outsourcing work for my first membership site. Rather than begin again and build everything on my own, again, I’ve outsourced all the traffic aspects to an entity that is busy writing articles, press releases, and other social media interaction. Of course, anyone who has gone through this process recognizes how important all aspects of building your internet business can become to the overall, long term success. I’m hopeful that spending money to avoid tasks I find time consuming will prove fruitful in the end.
Thanks for a great place to come and get really useful information for building my personal internet empire!