Timing is everything.

In my Blog Traffic Fundamentals trilogy (Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3) you learned that focusing on ONE traffic technique is the smart first step.

Master one thing rather than fail at many.

The reason why this is the case comes down to timing.

There’s a right time to execute a certain technique to grow your blog business.

However the real skill here is somewhat counterintuitive – you have to know why it’s the wrong time to do everything else.

If you think about it, if there is only ONE best action for you to take right now then EVERYTHING else is the WRONG thing to do.

No wonder people struggle to get results – it’s so easy to do the wrong thing because the timing is wrong for so many things.

You Need A Map

In order to identify what you should NOT do, you need to see the big picture strategy.

A strategy is like a map. You have a starting point, a destination and all the steps in a sequence to get you there.

Once you know the sequence, then you have the power to literally choose good timing.

This is because you know what has to be in place before you decide to do something, and you know what happens next after you do it.

You can see where you are in the sequence and make the right choice for your next action.

Here’s My Map (The Yaro Method)

There are literally thousands of ways to go about making money with a blog.

I’m pretty confident however no one else will teach you the method I use because it’s so rarely taught specifically for bloggers (it’s a bread and butter strategy for information marketers however).

My method is not for everyone, but if you’re planning to sell digital products and services, you want to make sales sooner rather than later, and you resonate with my concept of having a small group of buyers so you don’t need huge amounts of traffic, this is for you.

This is also a great idea validation process. You can make sure there is actually money to be made in a market before spending months and months creating content for your blog and email newsletters.

Here’s my strategic map, the very basic overview version –

  1. Research and select a “hungry” audience who spend money, which is large enough to meet your business objectives, whom you can realistically serve.
  2. Buy a domain name, web hosting, install WordPress to run your blog with a theme that has focus, and set up email list optin forms.
  3. Decide a first test product or service to offer (if you don’t have a product, offer phone coaching or some kind of freelance service you can deliver immediately, or create the product as soon as you find your first customer).
  4. Execute a traffic testing strategy to bring in your initial audience.
  5. Present offers to your audience and convert your first ten buyers so you know you have the right market.(At this point you may have to go back to previous steps if you struggle to make ten sales. However, once you communicate with ten customers, you have a much clearer understanding of what your people want, so you can progress to the final two steps.)
  6. Create front end products (low priced entry level products to serve specific segments within your market) and back end products (higher priced products for people who want a deeper level of support, personal training or quality of product).
  7. Expand your reach using more traffic methods, foster a community, and ramp up your income as far as you want it to go.

That’s it in a nutshell.

There are many actions for each step above of course, but that’s an overview of my strategy.

Where Most People Go Wrong

In my experience coaching thousands of bloggers, I see people struggle with two areas of this process…

They either have the wrong topic to begin with, or they struggle to get traffic.

There’s a bit of a catch-22 here.

You can’t confirm IF you have the right topic, without having traffic.

Things become so much easier when you know whom you serve and they are willing to buy from you.

Hence traffic is the answer, or at least the tool you use to find out the answers.

Everything you do before you reach step five (making 10 sales) are based on assumptions.

You assume your potential audience have a certain problem, are feeling certain emotions, know certain things, and most important – you assume they are willing to spend money.

Assumptions are not proven accurate or false until you drive traffic and make an offer.

…and you can’t progress until these assumptions become concrete facts.

Steps six and seven, where you build out your product funnel and expand your reach, are much more straight forward because you have a market.

Things become so much easier when you know whom you serve and they are willing to buy from you.

As you now see, there is only one area you must learn how to do or the entire system breaks down – traffic generation.

What Is Your Best Action For Today?

You can look through my strategy map steps above and see where you currently sit.

My assumption is that you are lost somewhere in the first five steps, probably bouncing around feeling overwhelmed and frustrated by poor results.

There are many nuances to each step, but at the very least you should be able to answer one important question:

Do you have a market of people who buy from you?

If you don’t know this yet, get some traffic and present an offer of something for sale.

It’s as simple as that.

Your only job until you have cashflow is to do things that get you cashflow.

Cashflow can’t happen without sales, sales can’t happen without offers, and offers don’t convert unless you have people to make them to.

The answer simply put, is traffic.

Here’s My Offer To Help You Get Traffic

I can help solve your traffic problem and give you the most powerful toolset you will ever have as an online entrepreneur – the ability to reach an audience whenever you need it.

I’m not offering an overnight solution or a quick-fix. This is a skillset you can learn.

I will give you a permanent advantage, something you can use again and again, until you are making the kind of money you desire.

To coin a perhaps cliche phrase –

I’m not just giving you a fish that will only feed you once, I’m teaching you how to catch as many fish as you want and how to cook a meal, so you will never starve.

It took me years and years to learn these concepts and techniques, but you can absorb it all within the next 24 hours by downloading my latest guide on blog traffic.

Click Here To Download Blog Traffic For BeginnersBlog Traffic For Beginners

A Step-By-Step System To Grow Your Blog Traffic From Zero To 1,000 Daily Readers

[ Order Blog Traffic For Beginners Here ]

In the guide I hold your hand and take you through the following key concepts:

  • A complete review of my “content marketing” formula, so you can confidently produce blog posts, podcasts, videos, emails or any form of content, that grabs attention, keeps your audience enthralled right to the end, and compels them to share so you benefit from the power of word of mouth and social distribution (pages 9 to 28)
  • On pages 29 to 38 you will learn all you need to know about Google and search engine optimisation for bloggers. It’s not a big chapter, nor a complex one, but it will give you all the foundation you need to know so your blog automatically attracts traffic from the biggest search engine on the planet.
  • Chapter four lays out the only structural elements of your blog you need to worry about. People get so caught up with plugins and scripts, but there are only a handful of elements of your blog’s structure to set up right from day one, which you will know once you complete this chapter (pages 38 to 45).
  • Pages 46 through to 97 is the big traffic chapter, complete with 100 proven traffic techniques, broken down into various categories like social media, press and publicity, buying traffic, repurposing content, relationship marketing, epic resources, and more.While you might feel overwhelmed initially when you review all these techniques, I make it clear that your job is NOT to use them all, but to select one at a time and test until you find the one that works. This is a traffic database you can tap into whenever you need ideas.
  • The final two chapters of the guide explain how you can gain leverage to expand your results over time, building on each success until you have all the traffic you will ever need.

I also introduce you to three concepts that will literally define the success of your blog – the “Daily Habit“, the “Tipping Point” and the “Fly Wheel” – all proven ideas from leading business and productivity books.

On top of the guide itself, there are two bonuses that come with the package, but I will let you find out what they are when you go to the order page.

Download Blog Traffic For Beginners

When you go through the order process make sure you keep an eye out for the option to take a free trial of my Exclusive Interviews Club and also something brand new – my Laptop Lifestyle Academy – where you can communicate directly with me to solve any problems you are experiencing.

All of these training programs are on special as a thank you as you order my traffic guide, so if you’re keen to work closer with me, you have the chance to do so.

Here’s the order link –

The New Way To Blog

I hope your eyes are starting to open up to this new process I recommend bloggers focus on today, designed especially for the much more crowded internet we are all competing in.

There’s a lot to do, and a lot to learn, but as you become more familiar with it, you will see how much smarter a model it is.

Blogging Strategically